Tracer Study and Students Feedback Report
Students Feedback Survey Report-2024 A.D.
A student feedback survey was conducted from Mangsir, 2080 for six months in Sumnima Polytechnic Institute, Bhojpur to assess the overall perception of students regarding academic and administrative environment prevalent at the institute. For the study, both primary and secondary sources of data were used. For primary data, student survey was conducted with the students studying in second and third year in Diploma in Agriculture (Plant Science) and Diploma in Civil Engineering.
Graduates Tracer Study Report-2023 A.D.
Sumnima Polytechnic Institute is committed to generating trained human resources for an agricultural and developing nation like Nepal as one of the leading polytechnic institutions within the Council for Technical and Vocational Training (CTEVT) network. This tracer study was undertaken to assess graduates’ career prospects and offer suggestions for raising the institute’s assistance standards.